To the Memory of KAREN PIERRE
notes from the Tiles
Mother Earth gave a promise to us in a song
Her gifts would be given with love
The beauty of mountains and flowers and trees
and of canyons and rivers and seas.
The animals taught us great lessons to learn
that honor and love were our gifts to return.
Now there are only a few of us left
who are able to still hear the song.
It is time to remember
to gather together -
We've been living in fear for too long.
She still sings the song
if we listen we'll hear -
Look into our hearts
for the music is clear,
Mother Earth made a promise
a long time ago,
Her gifts would be given with love.
He stands alone
In the stillness
In the softness
The world shrouded
He stands alone
Sound muffled
Questions unanswered
Why he stands alone
Why the world is shrouded
Why all sound is quiet
Where his pack has gone
Jennifer Tait
Darkness wanes as days grow longer
The circle turns again
There have been harsh losses
There have been new beginnings
As the spiral encompasses all
Grief wanes as joy takes its place
The circle turns again
And what has been learned
must now be taught
As the spiral encompasses all
poem by my daughter, Jennifer Tait
A time of warmth
Long days and starry nights.
This is the time of making dreams
come true ...
How many days will pass
Until the courage comes
How many dreamy nights
Will remain unfulfilled
And yet the times are many
We will awaken to find
That dreams long buried
In the warmth of summer days
And the cloak of starry nights
May be ours in the magic of longing
For the dream long buried
Will finally emerge, not separate
But entwined as our Spirit
Touches the Earth.